The full terms and conditions that apply to your subscription to website design, development, and other internet-related services offered by Dynabird Info Solutions Private Limited are contained in this services agreement (the "Agreement") (the "Services"). The terms "Dynabird Info Solutions" and "Client" refer to Dynabird Info Solutions Private Limited and you, respectively, in this Agreement. You declare that you have read the Agreement and that you accept all of its terms as well as all of the guidelines published on the Dynabird Info Solutions website. When used in this Agreement, the terms "Site" and "Dynabird Info Solutions Site" refer to the website with the url or any other successor sites that Dynabird Info Solutions owns or maintains.

All website development and design services rendered to the Client by Dynabird Info Solutions are subject to the terms and conditions listed below.


Any Client may accept these terms and conditions without having to sign an acceptance for them to be in effect. If a client accepts a quote, that client is understood to have understood the terms that apply and to have fully accepted these terms and conditions.

Please carefully read these terms and conditions. You have read and agreed to our terms and conditions if you make a purchase or use our services.

Charges The project quotation that the client receives via email specifies the fees for the services that Dynabird Info Solutions will render.


Throughout the design phase and after the entire website development is finished, Dynabird Info Solutions will give the Client the chance to assess the website's appearance and content. Unless the client notifies Dynabird Info Solutions otherwise within the stipulated date the materials are made accessible to the client, such materials will be considered to have been accepted and approved at the conclusion of the project.


Unless a specific delay is specifically requested by the Client and approved by Dynabird Info Solutions, Dynabird Info Solutions will install and publicly post or supply the Client's website by the date specified in the project proposal, or at date agreed with Client upon Dynabird Info Solutions receiving initial payment.

In exchange, the Client consents to designate a single person as a principal contact to help Dynabird Info Solutions move the commission along satisfactorily and quickly.


Since Dynabird Info Solutions is a small company, we must make sure that the job we have scheduled is completed at the appointed time in order to maintain efficiency. To make sure that your work is finished at the time scheduled, there are times when we may have to turn down offers for additional work and inquiries.

We therefore request that you submit the necessary information in advance. We retain the right to charge an additional fee in the event that we are unable to progress with your website because we were unable to get the necessary information within the predetermined time frame, causing us to be behind schedule.

If you agree to give us the necessary information and then neglect to do so within two weeks of the project's start, we retain the right to end the project and demand immediate payment of the outstanding balance.


Dynabird Info Solutions works hard to guarantee that websites are created so that the majority of visitors can view them. Websites are made to be compatible with the most widely used browsers right now (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.).

Web pages that do not render properly in new browser versions published after the website has been built and delivered to the Client are not the responsibility of Dynabird Info Solutions. As a result, Dynabird Info Solutions retains the right to provide a price for any work required to modify the website's design or code in order to make it compatible with newer browser versions.


Dynabird Info Solutions will, at its sole discretion, remove all such content from its web space if the Client in Default continues to store any information or files there. Any data loss experienced as a result of the service being discontinued is not the responsibility of Dynabird Info Solutions. The removal of such content does not absolve the client of his or her financial responsibility to cover any unpaid fees charged to the client's account. The client's account will be instantly deemed to be in default until full payment is received if checks are returned for insufficient funds. Customers who have past-due accounts consent to paying Dynabird Info Solutions reasonable costs associated with implementing these terms and conditions, including attorney fees and collection agency fees.


Any request by the client to end services must be made in writing and will take effect after being received. Service cancellation requests made over the phone will not be honored unless and until they are confirmed in writing. The client will get an invoice for the services done up until the first cancellation notice, which must be paid in full within the stipulated days.


Any and all uses of Dynabird Info Solutions services must be legal. You undertake to defend and keep Dynabird Info Solutions harmless from any claims made against you or another party as a result of your use of our service.


The Client offers Dynabird Info Solutions the right to publish and utilize any data, files, and graphic logos that the Client provides, but the Client retains all copyright in those items. Any data or files that are protected by a third party's copyright must be used with the client's consent and within the bounds of those rights. The Client additionally agrees to release and hold harmless Dynabird Info Solutions from any claims stemming from the Client's carelessness or inability to obtain valid copyright licenses. The Client is further responsible for obtaining Dynabird Info Solutions permission and rights for use of the same. By signing a contract for website design and/or placement, the client is promising Dynabird Info Solutions that they have secured the necessary authorizations. It may be necessary to provide proof of authorizations and powers.


To be considered as "legally incapable of contracting" under the India Laws, individuals utilizing the Website must be a minimum of 18 years old, mentally competent, and financially stable. Access to the Website is not permitted for minors.


Any prior statements, understandings, and agreements are superseded by these Terms & Conditions. The Client agrees to and accepts these Terms and Conditions by signing the following form or paying an advance charge. Accepting our terms and conditions by making a payment online.


Dynabird Info Solutions expressly disclaims all responsibility for any of the following:

  • Loss or harm brought on by any inaccuracy, omission, delay, or error during the creation of the website, whether as a consequence of carelessness or another factor;
  • loss or damage to client-supplied images for the website. It doesn't matter if the loss or damage is the result of negligence or something else.
  • The prices for the services under this agreement in relation to which the breach has occurred shall be the extent of Dynabird Info Solutions' total liability to the client for any claim whatsoever or breach of this agreement, whether or not resulting from negligence.


The remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected, and the Agreement shall not be void for the sole reason that one or more of its sections are determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable. Such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision shall be replaced with a valid, legal, and enforceable provision that is mutually agreeable and comes closest to the intention of the original provision.


Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the Terms and conditions.

Dynabird INFO SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED,GR.FLR, Shop No.1, Bandhu Prem Chsl, Old Belapur road, Kalwa East, Kalwa East, Thane, Thane, Maharashtra, 400605